Healthy Travel Snacks
Hello from Italy! I’m traveling with my boyfriend for the next two weeks and we couldn’t be more excited to be here. It’s been a crazy few days traveling from Rome to Capri, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s the good kind of crazy that I know I’ll remember for the rest of my life.
As most of you already know, I’ve been TRYING (keyword is trying because Italy has been tempting me with all the gelato and pasta) to eat a bit healthier. It’s so easy to just pick up something at the airport, but chances are, they’re not going to be that healthy. So in an effort for me and my boyfriend to make better eating choices during our flight, I decided to make and pick up a few snacks:
Apple chips
- Look for chips with no added sugar or preservatives.
Hummus + veggies
- Cut up some veggies and bring a small container of hummus with you. If you don’t have any on hand, you might be able to find some at the airport. I personally like making my own because I like adding more tahini and garlic in mine, but there are some great ready-made ones at the store! Peek at the ingredients before you buy though.
Baked chickpeas
- Buy canned chickpeas and bake them for a healthier alternative to chips. You can season it anyway you like (I like adding chili and garlic powder) and are so yummy when you’re craving for a savory snack. Let me know if you’d like to see a blog post about the these!
Chocolate Coconut Protein Balls
- When it comes to snacking, I like to have sweet and savory options and let me tell you, these were perfect for us to have during our 12 hour flight to Italy. Because I’m a sucker for the sweet stuff, my fave was the Chocolate Coconut Protein Balls – it’s like eating a chocolate truffle! Bonus: it takes 15 minutes to make and has about 8 grams of protein per protein ball!
Chocolate Coconut Protein Balls
What you’ll need:
1/2 cup Vital Proteins Cocoa Coconut Collagen Whey Protein
3/4 cup of almond butter
Pinch of salt
3 tablespoons of shredded coconut
Except for the shredded coconut, place all ingredients into a blender or food processor until well combined. You might have to add a little bit of water if your blender doesn’t mix it thoroughly.
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Roll the dough into 1/2 inch balls and coat the protein balls with the coconut. If you like your protein balls softer, enjoy immediately or let them set in the refrigerator for a more chewy and firm texture.
The recipe makes about 20 protein balls and they were really easy to transport. Just keep in an airtight container and you’ll be good to go!
What about you, what are some of your fave travel snacks? Would love to get ideas on how to make your snacks a little healthier!
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