Glossier Mega Greens Galaxy Pack & Moisturizing Moon Mask (c/o)
Who doesn’t love a little Sunday pamper sesh? I’ve been extra good lately with the masks, even doing them midweek for some extra TLC.
90% of the time, there’s always some sort of blemish on my face, so I have a cabinet full of masks that treat my problem areas and none that help prevent.
This is where the new Glossier masks come in. My fave out of these two new releases is the Mega Greens Galaxy Mask. It’s full of antioxidants, leafy greens like parsley and spinach and has white clay to pull out any gunk out of your pores. Basically, it’s like drinking a green juice except it’s on your skin.
I leave it on for about 20 minutes while I watch my fave YouTube videos and then rinse it off with a very warm wash cloth. What I’m left with is smooth squeaky clean skin and I feel like with my weekly usage, this prevents new breakouts from forming.
For those who have dry skin, you can follow up with the Moisturizing Moon Mask for some extra added nutrients like hyaluronic acid, and licorice and lemon extracts.
Each mask is $22, but if you buy both, you get free shipping with your order.
Have you tried any Glossier products yet?

I’d really love to get my hands on both of these masks! Sound perfect for my weekly routine for ridding impurities and mid-weekly routine of rehydrating. And the packaging is super cute!
xo Chelsea
Their campaigns are superrrr cute too!
Nourishing and nurturing Masks are my favourite! ^ v ^
Yay, I hope you get to try these!