NYFW Day 1 Recap
Finally getting around to all my footage from NYFW and I’m still pinching myself how I got so lucky to go to NYC. In my last post, I told you how I decided to go very last minute to NYFW so I didn’t have much time to prepare for it. I was scrambling to get outfits together, book an Airbnb, and I was emailing non-stop trying to see if I could get backstage or attend the shows.
After booking my flights, I’d say Airbnb was my biggest thing to check off my list since a lot of the hotels weren’t giving media rates. Because staying in Manhattan is expensive in general, I needed someone to stay with. I luckily found out that Melissa from melsanv.com was also looking for someone to stay with and we ended up booking a place in the West Village. If you follow me on Snap Chat, you would have already seen the neighborhood I stayed in and it was BEAUTIFUL. I felt safe walking around and there were great restaurants at every corner.
Anyway, getting to NYC proved to be a mission when my flights from San Jose were canceled and was even thinking about canceling my entire trip all together! My flight ended up getting canceled due to weather at the Chicago airport (I had a connecting flight) so I had to rush to the SFO airport later that day and take the red-eye. I felt so bad for my Airbnb host since I had initially told her to meet me at her place before midnight, but she was nice enough to meet me so early the next day. I barely got any sleep that night (thanks to the stinky couple next to me) and had to get ready at lightning speed once I arrived at my Airbnb. It was straight to meetings, but once I was out and about in the city, I felt refreshed and ready to take on the day.
As some of you may know, I’m GLOSSYBOX’s SF Ambassador and we’ve been working together for over a year and still haven’t been to their office. I was so excited to finally meet the team! The office was so feminine and girly, it was exactly what I thought GLOSSYBOX HQ would be! I got some sneak peaks of the September box and we talked about our future plans together. After the meeting, I stopped by to grab a bite to eat at this cafe called, Kaffe 1668, which I desperately needed. The iced latte felt so refreshing in the 90+ degree heat! The humidity in NYC is unreal and I’m so happy I packed this striped dress (similar here) that kept me semi-cool enough when I was walking around. After experiencing that type of heat, I’m even more thankful for the dry heat we have in California!
Next up, I had an appointment with Bumble and bumble where I got my hair cut and colored. My highlights were embarrassingly grown out and my hair was becoming so long that it was getting difficult to style. My hair appointments usually take at least 4-5 hours, so I unfortunately couldn’t make it to a few shows that day but it was so worth taking the time to get my hair done. The cut and color were exactly what I was looking for and Luis and Ericsson did an amazing job. This time, I went for brighter blond highlights and asked for highlights closer to my roots. They ended up using these products on my hair:
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Thank you Bumble and bumble!
During the appointment, I was only able to snack on the KIND bars I brought with me, so after leaving Bumble and bumble, I decided to explore the Meatpacking district and look for a bite to eat. I stumbled across the Chelsea Market and although I’m trying to limit my carb intake as much as possible, I couldn’t help myself when I saw the pizza. There’s nothing like NYC pizza and you can bet I savored every single bite!
So after that, I rushed again to the GLOSSYBOX office where I filmed a live video on FB. I gave a sneak peak of the September box and explained how I used some of the products for NYFW. If you haven’t seen it already, please check it out here:
At this point, I was majorly exhausted and had to also skip out on a few parties, but I did meet up for a drink at Azul with Andrea, Katie from Lola and Ivy PR, and Ariana from FashionBorn. I’m so happy I did because I got to sit out on a rooftop and see the Manhattan skyline. It was still crazy hot at 9 PM at night, but just being in NYC made all the madness that day worth it.
DAY 1 learnings:
- Arrive a day early before all your shows to plan for meetings and to get situated.
- Even though it might be cheaper to get a connecting flight, try to get a direct flight, especially if you have meetings shortly after you land.
- Choose an Airbnb that is relatively close to events and shows, uber and taxi rides can add up!
- Wear water-resistant and long-wearing makeup, stay tuned for a makeup tutorial.
- No matter how tired you are, don’t forget to fit in some fun.