I’m back from Europe and I’ve been majorly jet-lagged these past few days, but my sleeping schedule is back to normal and I’m excited to be back and catch up on everything!
I had an amazing time traveling and it makes me sad how fast 2.5 weeks flew. Although my boyfriend and I didn’t intend to, we almost felt like backpackers. We only spent a few days in each city and that was a bit stressful packing things up and traveling to the next location pretty often. By the end of the trip, I was a pro knowing what I needed in my day to day travel bag, especially when we were using public transportation. Today, I’m partnering with Dove to show you what I carried with me in my Europe day to day travel bag!
Here’s what I brought with me in my day to day tote:
1.) Cell Phone + Wallet
So crucial when it comes to traveling! We relied on our cell phones to get walking and public transportation directions. On a side note, I actually don’t have my travel wallet pictured here because my passport and wallet were stolen (let me know if you’d like me to post about that), so here’s a tip: only bring the cash you need and bring a photocopy or phone picture of your passport with you.
2.) Spare Battery
Just like at NYFW, we brought a battery along to keep our cell phones going. We actually relied on wi-fi for most of the trip so having a spare battery was needed, especially when the outlets are different in Europe.
3.) Powder + Lip Gloss
These are my bare minimum when it comes to makeup and these came in really handy since I wore no-fuss makeup during my vacation.
4.) Texturizing Spray + Dry Shampoo
I raved about these in a previous post and loved that these products kept my hair fresh while I walked around all day in the heat.
5.) Headphones
I think I’ll talk about these more in-depth in another post, but these were really useful when traveling. It blocked out all the white noise while on the plane, train, and bus.
6.) Snacks
Especially on our travel days, we barely had time to eat (we were usually running to catch our train or bus haha), so these saved our bellies!
7.) Vitamins, Gum, + Hand Sanitizer
When we used public transportation, I was really diligent about taking vitamins and using hand sanitizer. I couldn’t afford to get sick! I also carried travel sized toilet paper and toilet seat covers just in case the public bathrooms didn’t have any (which I found many public bathrooms didn’t).
8.) Sunglasses
I was lucky enough to have beautiful weather while in Italy and Spain and these sunglasses were really easy to throw on.
9.) Hair ties + clips
I like to carry a few hair ties and clips, just in case. You never know when you’re going to need one!
10.) Deodorant
I recently tried the Dove Advanced Care Antiperspirant in Revive and I’m proud to say it stood up to the sweat, the walking, and the carrying of all our luggage. I can’t tell you how much walking and lifting we did (sometimes flights and flights of stairs!) and this deodorant protected me from odor and sweat for up to 48 hours. Also, staying hydrated while traveling is super important, and my underarms thanked me for using a deodorant with moisturizing benefits to keep my skin soft and smooth. Be sure to give the Dove Advanced Care Antiperspirant a try if you’re in need of a deodorant to keep you dry!
Spare batteries are a must, I still can’t believe I don’t have one. I’m always asking the Uber driver to pass the charger haha x
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